Promoting Honesty and Compassion

By Terence Stone

Today, I wanted to do something a little different. I thought it might be nice for my readers to see me in the flesh to get a better sense of who I am. I often feel that there is a bit of a disconnect when we can only read someone else’s words. We miss out on many things: the way they hold their body, the tone of their voice, the expression on their faces, etc. There is so much that goes into communication, and since we have the technology, I thought,  why not? So, I hope you enjoy my first ever video blog for Urban Spiritual!

Main Points

“Life is a question.”

“When we think that we have things figured out, we’re done. We have no real room for growth then.”

“Compassion is the foundation of this blog, and slowly but surely becoming the foundation of my existence.”

“When was the last time you had a compassionate thought toward yourself?”


I hope you’ll take the ten minutes today to sit and listen to me for a bit.

Wishing you a day filled with compassion toward yourself and toward others.

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